Is leak detection covered by insurance?

If you’re worried about a leak in your building, your first step is to get a leak inspection. There are many ways to detect a leak, but infrared technology has become a go-to source for accurate assessments. Is this process expensive? Is leak detection covered by insurance? Let’s examine your options so you can prepare for your leak repair. 

What is leak detection?

Leak detection is the process of evaluating where a leak is coming from in a building. This typically refers to water leaks from plumbing, but it could also relate to gas leaks, heat/air leaks from poor insulation, and other interrupted flow patterns. 

How infrared thermography works for leak detection

Infrared thermography maps out hot and cold zones in given area. If hot air is escaping from an old window sill, the infrared reader can see that. This is useful for leak detection because it allows inspectors to see inside the walls of a building without opening them up. Infrared speeds up leak detection, minimizes damage during repairs, and lowers the cost of repairs.

If infrared is not an appropriate option for your leak, there are other ways to detect it. Roof leaks, plumbing leaks, energy leaks—every issue has its own method for detection. Cost and insurance coverage for these procedures will vary considerably. 

Insurance coverage varies by policy and by leak

Every insurance policy is unique, so you’ll need to review what is covered under your policy specifically. Leak detection is covered in many situations, but it may depend on the nature of the leak, the age of the building, and any insurance claims you’ve had within that year. We can review your policy during your leak inspection to determine what your costs may be, if any. 

What to do after detecting a leak

If there is a leak in your building, it should be addressed promptly. Most leaks do not resolve on their own, and they can lead to costly repairs in the future. For example, an unidentified plumbing leak could result in mold damage, water damage, floor repair, wall repair, cracked foundation, and much more. Leak detection is the first step toward repair and resolution. Take advantage of it as a way to reduce expenses and protect the structure of your building.