How to prevent water infiltration in parking garages

If you have ever had to deal with water infiltration in your parking garage, you know how frustrating, costly, and time-consuming it can be. It can cause severe damage that you may overlook until it’s time for repairs. 

Water can infiltrate parking garages in many ways, especially rain. Rain results in moisture that leaks through the cracks and crevices of your garage. 

Proper cleaning

Cleaning using water can create problems if not done correctly or if the garage doesn’t drain efficiently. It is best to make sure that everything drains properly and exits the garage to prevent any damage. Ensuring that you have a proper draining system is the first step in preventing water infiltration.

Stains and expansion joints

It’s essential to regularly inspect your garage for water and rust stains that may appear on the walls or floor. It indicates that you may have a leakage in your parking garage, whether it’s pooling water or poor drainage. 

Rust stains can be warning signs of a serious rust jacking problem, which causes the lining to crack. When rust is exposed to water, the steel will start to swell and cause structural damage.

Expansion joints can help absorb any movement that naturally occurs due to temperature changes, wind, or weather activity. However, expansion joints can create water infiltration if you don’t regularly inspect and seal them. Regular inspection will decrease the likelihood of water seeping through the joints.

Specialty coatings

Specialty coatings can help prevent infiltration and damage, and you can include waterproofing and corrosive inhibitors. This can be cost-effective preventative maintenance to extend the life of your parking garage. 

Regular inspection and repairing is the best way to prevent water infiltration in your parking garage. Be sure to consult someone if you notice signs of water infiltration so that you can avoid any further damage.