Cleaning your parking garage

Parking garages take a lot of wear and tear from vehicles, people, and the environment. Cars and trucks bring dirt, grease, and other grime into the garage where it begins to collect on the parking and walking surfaces. People leave behind trash and liquids that accumulate against walls and further adds to the grime on the parking surface.

And finally, weather takes its toll as well. Wind blows leaves and other debris around the garage, and heat only magnifies the impact of any fluids collecting on the surface. Rain also plays a role, as it can lead to staining and discoloration if water pools in particular areas.

With all of these elements in play, it’s important to establish a regular cleaning schedule for your parking garage to remove the dirt and grime. It creates a better impression for your business when employees or customers park there, but it also helps protect the life of your parking garage.

Some of the fluids left behind by cars can be corrosive over time if left on the surface of your garage, so it’s important to remove all of that dirt and grime regularly. Of course, depending on the hours of use for your parking garage, you may have to schedule cleaning during off-peak times to allow greater access to the full parking service.

Another advantage of regular cleaning for your parking garage is that it provides an opportunity to monitor the condition of the garage. Pooling water can be a serious concern in parking garages, as it can infiltrate the concrete and lead to rust jacking, which can damage the structural integrity. As you clean, watch out for any signs of rust or other staining on the concrete parking surface or concrete walls that could indicate larger problems that should be addressed.

With regular cleanings, you also have the option of applying a vehicular traffic coating that can help protect and extend the life of your parking structure. Traffic coatings can also make cleaning an easier process, as they prevent dirt and grime from penetrating the surface of the concrete as easily.

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