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Removing mold and other stains from stucco exterior

By Jake Barnhart | Apr 16, 2018

Traditional stucco and EIFS exteriors can be used in multiple styles of buildings. Traditional stucco is often found in historic buildings, while EIFS (exterior insulation and finish system) is a more modern choice. Both create a classic exterior look and can be customized to fit a particular style.

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Key considerations for masonry rehabilitation

By Jake Barnhart | Apr 9, 2018

Cracked or crumbling masonry can lead to water infiltrating a building. Once water finds its way inside, you can end up dealing with wet floors, mold, damaged sheet rock and paint, and stained ceiling tiles.

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The benefits of concrete densifiers

By Jake Barnhart | Apr 2, 2018

Concrete densifiers are applied to a concrete surface to fill the pores of the concrete and make it less permeable to stains. They are a water-based chemical solution that penetrates the surface of the concrete and reacts chemically with the concrete to increase its density and strength. Densifiers can be used on both polished and unpolished concrete.

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Maintaining parking garages over time

By Jake Barnhart | Mar 26, 2018

Parking garages serve an important purpose for commercial buildings by allowing a large number of vehicles to park in a relatively small space. Over time, they are subject to significant wear and tear from vehicle traffic, weather, and even just the passage of time.

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Windows and the risk of water infiltration

By Jake Barnhart | Mar 19, 2018

Windows are an important part of any building design due to allowing natural light into the space. But they’re also one of the riskiest parts of any building when it comes to water infiltration.

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Proper installation and maintenance of EIFS exterior

By Jake Barnhart | Mar 12, 2018

EIFS, or Exterior Insulation and Finish System, is a great product that can be used to create a unique building exterior. Also called synthetic stucco, it consists of insulated boards with thin synthetic coatings on top to create the desired look for the exterior surface.

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Tips for cleaning paint, old sealant, and more off your building exterior

By Jake Barnhart | Mar 5, 2018

Over time, any commercial building exterior can end up with any number of substances on it. Maybe someone painted another surface nearby and was careless with their application, so flecks of paint have spotted the outside of your building. Or perhaps an incorrect application of sealant on the concrete sidewalk also coated the bottom inch of the exterior wall.

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The value of anti-graffiti coatings

By Jake Barnhart | Feb 26, 2018

Graffiti can be an eyesore for both commercial and residential property owners, and it can impact a community in many ways.

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Finding and fixing below-ground leaks

By Jake Barnhart | Feb 19, 2018

Underground leaks can cause major problems for a commercial building, especially if they go undetected for a long period of time. And since they’re below ground and warning signs aren’t obvious, they often do go undetected.

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Take the first step.

JK Industries, Inc. offers repair recommendations and free estimates so that you can make an educated decision for your situation. Call us today to set up an appointment, or fill out our online form. Whether you have a small leak or something bigger, we have a solution for you.

Restoration services can be tailored to your budget and operational requirements.

We service a variety of property types.




Schools & Universities



Parking Garages




Cultural / Non-Profit



Plaza Decks

Multi-Unit Residential



Locks & Dams

Wastewater Treatment

Power & Utilities
