Commercial sealant options

You’ve probably heard of “sealants” and “sealers.” Some people may use the term interchangeably—but you shouldn’t.

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Can concrete be restored?

Concrete is one of the most common building materials on Earth. From Roman aqueducts to modern skyscrapers, it forms the foundation of almost every man-made structure you’ll see today.

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Commercial buildings need waterproofing

Water is the enemy of structures, especially commercial buildings. The waterproofing of a building can be the difference between a huge maintenance bill and a small one. When water makes its way through the outer layer of a commercial structure, it can split concrete, rust steel, leave stains, and destroy finishes.

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Is painting concrete a good idea?

Your concrete is under siege.

Every second, every minute, every day, your concrete is battling forces that want to tear it down. Chemicals, traffic, and the elements all work together against your structure. 

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What are industrial coatings?

You’ve probably painted something around the house before. It might have been a wall, a ceiling, a cabinet, or a deck—something that needed aesthetic appeal or some protection from the elements.

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Why commercial buildings are made of concrete

Concrete is one of the most common building materials on earth. It’s used in everything from high-rises to patios. And just about every commercial building is made of it. But why concrete, and not something else?

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Resurfacing concrete vs. replacing concrete

Concrete is one of the most durable and commonly-used building materials in the world. But if you’ve walked through any major city, you’ve probably seen decayed and cracked concrete. It doesn’t last forever.

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