Why are some paint colors not recommended for exterior?

Exterior paint comes in every color imaginable, but not all colors are recommended for outdoor use. Traditionally, lighter colors fair better than darker colors. This is because of the way UV rays impact light and dark shades. Check out the color selection guide below to learn why some paint colors are not recommended for exterior applications. 

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How thick should parking lot concrete be?

Thicker isn’t always better in the world of concrete. Too much concrete may result in improper drying and unnecessary material expenses. Too little, and you may deal with cracking as the ground shifts. Read on to learn how thick parking lot concrete should be.

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Which material is used for waterproofing?

Waterproofing protects your building from groundwater, rain, sleet, and other forms of precipitation. This is crucial for long-term structural stability. There are many waterproofing materials on the market, each with its own purposes. Let’s review which materials are commonly used for waterproofing. 

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How long does it take concrete to dry after a leak?

If you’re dealing with the aftermath of a slab leak or water infiltration, you need to dry out your concrete completely. Even if it’s dry on the surface, there may be layers beneath that need time to air out. Let’s explore how long it takes for concrete to dry after a leak.

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What is considered masonry?

Masonry construction has been around for more than 6,000 years, and it’s still popular among residential and commercial buildings. This durable, construction technique stands the test of time, but what does “masonry” actually mean?

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Is masonry better than concrete?

Concrete and masonry have been around for thousands of years. You can often see them side-by-side in brick buildings with concrete foundations. Nevertheless, some buildings are better suited for masonry over concrete. Review this comparison to determine which material is right for you.  Difference between masonry and concrete Concrete is a continual slab of material.…

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How common are slab leaks?

Slab leaks can happen in both commercial and residential settings. They are fairly common, but—more importantly—they’re preventable. Find out what causes slab leaks, how to detect slab leaks, and how to prevent slab leaks in concrete.

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How do you keep outdoor paint from fading?

The condition of your outdoor paint is a visitor’s first impression. If the building’s exterior looks well cared for, guests will assume the inside matches. If the exterior is faded, guests may think the building is not maintained properly.

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How do I fix my leaking garage?

Worried about leaks in your parking garage? If so, it’s best to resolve them at the first signs. This will reduce the extent of the damage and cut down on repair costs. Read on to learn how to fix a leaking garage.

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