The ins and outs of efflorescence

If you’ve ever walked by a brick wall, you’ve seen efflorescence. You might not have known the word for it, or even that that’s what it was, but you’ve definitely seen it. It’s that chalky white powder that builds up on masonry over time.

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When rust breaks a building

What do St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Acropolis, Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House, and a badly-maintained parking garage have in common?

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Do you know why your mortar is receding?

If you’ve looked at any old building recently, chances are you’ve noticed that the mortar joints are set back further into the wall than the joints on a newer building. Receding mortar is a natural process, but it’s a real problem for older buildings or buildings that haven’t been maintained.

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Weathering the elements

“If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.”

Living in Oklahoma, you’re likely to hear this phrase frequently throughout the year, no matter the season. The Great Plains are home to weather patterns that change all the time. You might leave the house in the morning wearing a coat and want to change into shorts by the time you get home.

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Don’t wait to fix your masonry

There are plenty of other expenses and problems that you have to deal with in the course of running your business. You have a hundred other things to worry about. But this one problem could be costing you customers, hurting your bottom line, and leaving land mines for your future building repairs.

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Staying on top of building maintenance

 Mankind has been building structures for millennia, creating buildings that in some cases still stand today. We can see a tribute to the permanence of stone, brick, and concrete in the architecture of the Romans and the Greeks, some of which still stand today.  Though materials and techniques change, not everything does. Steel and glass…

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Why you should use a concrete sealer

 You’ve just finished that beautiful new slab of concrete. It’s perfect—smooth and pristine. It’s done, right? Not quite. Did you know that you need to seal your concrete before the job is finished? Without sealer, raw concrete tends to pick up moisture, which can cause the surface to crack, spall, or scale. In severe cases…

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Will EIFS raise your insurance premiums?

 You’ve probably heard the horror stories. They’ve gone around the industry a few times, and if you’re thinking about using EIFS, someone may have offered you a variant of the following story: “I heard about someone who got EIFS on the outside of their building, and it trapped all the moisture in. Then they had…

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