How many years does EIFS last?
EIFS is one of the most common building materials in the world. It’s used on homes and commercial buildings alike for external cladding.
Read MoreIndustrial coating services
Commercial buildings aren’t like residential buildings. They see more traffic, need more maintenance, and are made for a different purpose. That’s why industrial coatings exist.
Read MoreHow do you waterproof a commercial building?
Every commercial building has an enemy: water.
Read MoreWhat are the different types of masonry?
Masonry is one of the oldest construction techniques on earth. From the mud brick ziggurats of ancient Mesopotamia to modern concrete block buildings, it’s been an integral part of human history.
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Commercial concrete floors take a beating.
Read MoreHow to maintain a concrete parking garage
Parking garages are a unique type of structure with their own maintenance concerns that other buildings don’t have to consider. Here’s what you need to know about maintaining a concrete parking garage.
Read MoreTypes of concrete cracks and what they mean
Concrete is one of the world’s most common building materials for a reason: it’s comparatively cheap, very strong, and highly durable. But chances are you’re going to wind up dealing with a crack in the concrete at some point in your building’s lifespan. And you’ll need to know what you’re looking at.
Read MoreWhat causes leaks in buildings?
Buildings are constantly under attack from the elements. Whether visible or invisible, leaks have the potential to let those elements in. Unfixed leaks can wreak havoc on any structure, but the easiest way to stop them is to understand how they start.
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The number one enemy of every building is water.
Read MoreIs cracking normal with PMI anchors?
Cracked concrete is usually a good sign of a bad sign.
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