Dos and don’ts of exterior painting

If you want to keep your commercial building’s outdoor surfaces in good condition, you have to make sure you paint them—regularly. But painting isn’t as simple as “dip roller in paint can and apply paint.” You need to know the dos and don’ts.


The first thing you want to do is clean the surface. This usually means pressure washing. Dirt, dust, cobwebs, and other debris will build up over time, and you can’t paint over it. Check for loose paint and scrape it off if you’re painting over an old coating.

You’ll also want to make sure your damaged surfaces are repaired. Take a walk around the surface you’re going to paint and look for holes. Patch them with epoxy or spackle and sand the surface once it’s dry.

Mask off your windows, doors, light fixtures, and anything else you don’t want to be painted before you begin. Make sure the masking material is tight.

Prime your surface if you need to—different jobs have different requirements.


Don’t paint before you caulk your joints. Depending on the color of your paint, color matching the caulk can be difficult. Avoid the problem entirely by just painting over it.

Don’t redo a very old paint job without testing for lead. If you’re a commercial paint contractor, you’re required to do it. You’re not if you’re doing it DIY, but you should still take precautions, so you don’t pollute the environment and hurt your health.

Don’t pick the cheapest paint for the job. As a general rule, the glossier the finish, the better the paint is at keeping out the sun’s rays that can break down the material underneath. Any areas that see direct sun need to get a glossy finish, or you’ll have to redo it sooner than you would otherwise.

And if you think it doesn’t matter how much paint you put on, think again. Adding too much paint can actually make it harder for the coating to bond to the layer underneath. Don’t go overboard on coats.

Getting Professional Help

Want to get your exterior painting done right? Contact someone who can do it professionally for you. Let JK Industries help—talk to us today.