How do I fix my leaking garage?

Worried about leaks in your parking garage? If so, it’s best to resolve them at the first signs. This will reduce the extent of the damage and cut down on repair costs. Read on to learn how to fix a leaking garage.
1. Identify the potential source of the leak
Leak repair is more than filling cracks or patching holes. You need to find the source of the leak so you can address it properly. This could be anything from a cracked joint in the concrete to a leaking pipe or faulty drainage system. Figure out the root of the problem to create an effective solution.
Of course, you don’t have to tackle this task on your own. You can get professional leak detection from a team that specializes in commercial inspections. JK Industries offers thermography leak detection, waterproofing, joint sealing, concrete crack repair, and more.
2. Find a targeted solution to address the leak
Once you know what’s causing the leak, choose an appropriate solution. Rather than repairing concrete cracks in your parking garage, you may first need to fortify and waterproof the foundation. Source repair is more sustainable than symptom repair, and it will ultimately save you money.
3. Repair any damage the leak caused
After you’ve fixed your leaking garage, it’s time to fix the issues it left behind. For example, you may have surface cracks in the concrete that need to be patched. If you leave these cracks exposed, they could become trip hazards. The cracks also create a path for water to flow into, leading to material erosion and other problems.
4. Conduct routine parking garage maintenance to prevent future leaks from forming
Prevention is less expensive and more effective than leak repair. Get routine parking garage maintenance to preserve your structure for years to come. This may include concrete inspections, sealing, cleaning, waterproofing, and several other services. JK Industries can put together a personalized plan for your parking structure.