Use urethane on your plaza and parking decks

Plaza decks and parking decks see a lot of traffic—one from feet, the other from vehicles. You’re already aware that natural weathering is a problem for outdoor concrete surfaces, but it’s even more of a problem when there’s weathering from other influences like traffic. But you don’t have to worry with one simple tool: urethane coating.
You can’t set it and forget it
Any surface that’s exposed to the weather needs maintenance, especially if it deals with traffic. Concrete is a great building material but not an infallible one. Water can leak into micro cracks, spalling the surface and slowly cracking open the slab. Stains, marks and other residue can be unsightly or even accelerate the aging process.
Parking decks, or the driving surfaces of parking garages, get not only foot and vehicle traffic but vehicle fluids, rubber tire marks and more. Plaza decks, or elevated patios on shopping malls or commercial buildings, get even more foot traffic but less in staining. But both need help protecting themselves from the environment around them.
Regular preventive maintenance will keep these areas both looking sharp and free of damage. Polyurethane coatings applied at regular intervals are part of a healthy maintenance routine for these outdoor concrete surfaces, and they’re worth spending a little money on for the long-term health of your building. Some of them even have anti-slip measures built in.
Think about it: how many patrons want to sit on a gross-looking, soda-stained patio? Do you really want engine fluids seeping into your concrete? These coatings will solve those problems, prolong the life of your structure and keep up the value of your property.
Urethane application
When you apply polyurethane coatings, there are a few things you have to keep in mind.
First, there’s going to be a strong odor with chemical fumes. If it’s a public space, especially on a patio area, you’re going to want to apply the coating when the building is empty—perhaps when it will be empty for a day or two.
You also want a clean, dry surface for proper adhesion. Cleaning and preparation will be necessary.
Finally you need to allot curing time so that your surface can harden. No foot or vehicle traffic should come through.
If polyurethane coatings aren’t yet part of your maintenance regimen, why not? Safeguard your structure. Call JKI and we’ll help you keep your building in the best shape possible.