Color matching masonry grout

As stated in a previous blog, all brickwork needs maintenance and repair at some point. Whether it’s an issue of receding grout or cracks running through the grout lines, problems involving your brickwork need to be resolved quickly and effectively.
One of the most important aesthetic aspects of brickwork repair is matching the repaired areas to your original grout color. When done right, this ensures the repair is virtually invisible. When done improperly, it highlights the area of repair.
Here is how professionals match grout color in masonry repair.
Masons understand that different types of mortar are used for different applications. Common mortars are Type N, S, M, and O. Each type is composed of different ingredients to ensure the proper function for the application. For example, Type S can withstand higher compression, which makes it a good use for load-bearing walls.
Once it’s determined what type of mortar needs to be used, the mason then works on color matching the grout. This can take some time, but when done correctly, the results are well worth the time.
Since grout will dry a slightly different color depending on sun exposure, heat, and humidity, setting out a few samples to dry will provide a more realistic color sample. Then you can compare the dried samples with the existing grout to find the best match.
Working with different colors and textures of grout can also improve color matching. For example, historic brick may have dull-toned grout due to age. A professional mason should be able to blend various colors to create the right grout color.
Remember, it is possible to closely match the original grout. When properly completed, your brick repair work should blend into the existing brick surface.
For questions involving this or any other masonry issues, please contact us. We are happy to answer questions and offer options for your masonry needs.